Leader in IT Services
It has been a great journey since 2004. Our partnership with leading industry players such as Microsoft, HP, Cisco, AAPT and Rhipe has enabled us to respond in a timely manner to the changes in the IT industry.

We installed our first hardware at Equinix Data Centre in 2004. Our goal was to assist Small to Medium companies to take advantage of the new opportunities that the internet had to offer.

By 2007, we were assisting business with internet based hosting and offsite backup and disaster recovery. The internet was revolutionising business.

In 2010, we completed work with HP installing the first container data centre infrastructure in Australia.

By 2012 we were rolling out private network services, enabling our small to medium business customers to virtualise their network in a secure data centre environment.

Cloud was the new focus in 2015. We started assisting Customers to understand and transition to Cloud.

We now provide network and Cloud integration. We are also value adding by ensuring our small to medium Customers have enterprise grade infrastructure and security, virtual hosting and have the value of easy access and management to both Cloud and Local network resources.

Webquor has now added Amazon Web Services to our data centre hosting services. This enables us to provide high speed, performance based websites and hosting services. In addition, we have just launched our redundant services with international links out utilising Macquarie Telecom, Telstra and Optus via Equinix Data Centre. For Microsoft 365 Users, we now add to the 365 Cloud service by offering full perpetual backup of all 365 Exchange, OneDrive and SharePoint data. And in 2022, things will keep getting better.

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